Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Trying out Beef Samosas

Hey! I found a blog where there's NOT a thousand words preceding the recipe. I'm going to try these for dinner in the air fryer:

I'm REALLY trying to get our meals under control. Today was grocery shopping day. Store #1(Aldi), I dropped a modest $50 or so on a few things that we needed - milk, bread, etc.

Then, I went to store #2 for things that they don't have at Aldi, namely our toilet paper, toothpaste, and vitamins. $93. It was insane. It barely filled 3 bags. 

Inflation sucks. 

I started with sauteing the spices to bring out the flavor. This is what you're supposed to do, right?
It was at this point that Kid #2 (believed to be the world's pickiest eater, until the birth of Kid #3) came upstairs and started gagging.

Honestly, the spice mix reminds me of Christmas. My grandparents were living in Indonesia in the 1940s, and developed a taste for Asian spice blends. This kind of stuff was our Christmas Eve dinner growing up. Along with Egg Rolls, and a Dutch eggnog called Advocaat. 

It turns out that my freezer did NOT have frozen peas and carrots like I thought it did, so I diced up some carrots and tossed them into the spices to cook a bit while I diced the onion.

Then, I threw in the beef, and browned it in the same pan with everything else. We raise our own beef, and it's an incredibly low-fat breed, so there is generally no fat to drain. I also dumped in the frozen/thawed peas and let everything cook for a while. 

Note: I did not season this at all at this time. This will come to haunt me later.

As I am a big cheater, I used good old Pepperidge Farm frozen puff pastry sheets. I cut each sheet in the box into 9 squares, and then rolled them flatter. I have a bad history with turnovers exploding all over the kitchen, so I prefer the puff pastry to be extra thin. Rolling it out also makes it easier to fold over the filling.

Once I had all of my samosas filled and sealed (about 1/4 of filling in each one), I sprayed them with olive oil. I put 4 in my air fryer, and the rest in the convection oven, both at 400F.

I think I prefer the oven for large batches. My air fryer is not very big, and it would take for.ever to do all 18 of them.  The air fryer will be great for reheating, though!

The verdict: I FORGOT TO SALT IT. Totally forgot to salt, pepper, and ginger the ground beef. This was apparent as soon as I took a bite. 

So sad :(

Kid #1 and Husband both solved this problem by dousing it in ketchup. Kid #2 was not a fan (he said) but he did manage to eat an entire samosa, so it couldn't have been THAT bad.

Then there is kid #3. I think she had one bite of the ground beef, and cried about everything else. She's a challenge.

Next time I make these, I'll remember to season the beef.

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